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Change Font Apprearance In ChatBox

How to Change Font Colour in Game?

Have you noticed someone has used different colour font at the chatbox?

Here, we will explain how they made it.

you just need to put like this...
<<font color="*color code"> Text
*color code: can refer to

you also can change family font...
<<font face="*font family"> Text
*font family: can refer here

This is an example:
< <font face="Lucida Handwriting"><font color="#FF0000">This <font color="#14A3E6">Is An <font color="#3BE614">Example  

That's it.
Hope you guys can play with it.

Seraph's Stone Needed for Angel Evolution

Evolution Stars   Evolution NameApprox. Seraph's Stones Approx. Evolution pointsd

1Uncommon~30~ 60
2Rare~ 60~ 120
3Epic~ 170~ 300
4Legendary~ 400~ 850
5Mythic~ 1100~1800
6Celestial~ 1500              ~2500
7Majestic~ 3200~ 5500
8Unearthly~ 9000~14500
9Ungodly~ 15000
10Excelsior~ 26000
*we suggest that you ONLY use 1-click evolution.
*collect Seraph's Stone about the approx. amount BEFORE do evolution.

Why Need VIP? Why It Is So Important?

What Make VIP Really Important?

Many people cannot see the long-term advantage of VIP.
You can get VIP for FREE by Check-ins daily.
You also can get from FREE DIAMOND. 
Check about it in previous post.

Collect diamond for FREE and 2times resources for VIP in certain day.

VIP bonuses:
There is a lot of additional resources for VIP and increase by VIP level.
VIP level depend on spend diamonds and login day.
* the earlier you subscribe, the faster you increase VIP level and get more additional resources.

Additional Runestone:

Lucky Tree free 1attempt and many more...

You also can get discount in each renew until 500diamond cut 

Raider Event! Time To Raid For 30 Times For Free!

Is it worth to do Raider 30 times?

How to get it as Free Player?

For new player,
you can do Raider to raid 30 times by skip 1 day reward which is 50 soulstones.

By doing this,
you will able to collect in both Hot Event i.e. Raider 15 times and Raider 20 times. 

Enchant Stone Needed For Evolution

Enchant stone is needed to empower the items like weapon, helmet, etc. You can get it from Elite Battle and buy it from Enchant Shop.

You need to know there is certain amount of enchant stone to evolve it perfectly.

Normal stone needed:
Level 1 ~ 180
Level 2 ~ 480
Level 3 ~ 900
Level 4 ~ 2000
Level 5 ~ 3500

Eternal Spire 6 Times Attempts For Free

Get 6 Times Like This, Is It Worth?

Basically, just need to save attempt in this day and opened the next day.
3 + 3 = 6

Not all events are posted in the forum before the beginning of the day.
It is better if continue the 'save and open' until the Eternal Spire event is in the Hot Event.

How To Get Gold Dragon For Wyrm Race

How To Get Auricion Wyrm Race

In some case, few people get it for FREE.
For above case, many people CANNOT BELIEVE it.
In many case, I manage to get if for FREE.
For my case, many people CANNOT BELIEVE it too.

How come I buy this if it is ONLY open for VIP 6 and above?
Of course I did it for FREE.

Yellow dragon again!

I would like to share this information with you
I will show this in limited time
This is not suitable for those who can directly buy it
As a free player, here you go...

How To Get Free Diamond

Click this...

Under Offers tab, choose correctly your current server and 
make sure correct username...

Sponsor shows no offer for you?

How about this?

How To Win Adv. Prize In Tycoon Event As Free Player

There are several ways that can help you to win in Tycoon Event. As a Free Player, it is very helpful to build points especially if your level is still low. Always make sure if it will be held Tycoon Event on the website.

*blizt all- erebus, zodiac, eternal spire and open on the day of the Tycoon Event.

1. Erebus

Did you know Erebus can be saved and opened on the next day? How about if we miss the reward on the that day because of that?

How to... just for the sake, use only one attempt to get the reward for a day. Blizt the rest attempt and opened on the next day.

So the next day, you can blizt both attempts and opened the following day. Do this until that Tycoon Event arrive.

We recommend that you blizt the highest level of Erebus that you have.

2. Zodiac

After do blizt, do not click the icon and map/ portal for quest.

Before that, make sure the stamina is just enough 300 only at the time when the server will 

reset. Blizt the excessive stamina so that there is no wastage of stamina.

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